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Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena

The Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena is a resource to support science teachers throughout Kentucky to develop their own understanding of different phenomena and the disciplinary core ideas needed to explain them.

How does Kentucky Dam generate electricity?

Physical Science
Earth and Space Science
The TVA Kentucky Dam Visitor Center has a large map that showed the interconnected waterways that service the Tennessee River Valley. This map included icons that relate to electricity generation and its various methods.
Phenomenon Description
The TVA Kentucky Dam Visitor Center has a large map that showed the interconnected waterways that service the Tennessee River Valley. This map included icons that relate to electricity generation and its various methods.

Other Possible Related Questions

  • Where does my electricity come from?
  • Where are most TVA power sources located?
  • Why are all TVA power sources on a river?
  • Why do dams have different designs?
  • What are some design features of dams that aid in flood management and flood control?
  • How did the building of Kentucky Dam impact connected resources and ecosystems?
  • How efficient is it to generate electricity from a dam?
  • What are other ways to produce electricity?
Crosscutting concept

Location or Area

Location Pin
Kentucky Dam Visitor Center, Marshall County