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Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena

The Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena is a resource to support science teachers throughout Kentucky to develop their own understanding of different phenomena and the disciplinary core ideas needed to explain them.

How to Share Phenomenon Bundles

Step 1: Explore, Observe and Ask Questions.

A phenomenon is an event in the natural or designed world that can be explained or predicted using science knowledge and principles. Explore the world around you. Give yourself the time and space to just observe and ask questions. Brainstorm with a friend or colleague- what questions did they have? Write down or record your questions, and DON’T try to answer them!

Step 2: Organize Your Questions.

Do any questions build off each other? Does one question need to be answered first before another question? Do some questions lead to more questions? This helps identify connections between basic, intermediate and advanced understanding of disciplinary core ideas as well as connections between different disciplinary core ideas.

Step 3: Refine Your Question.

Look at the crosscutting concepts and reflect how it impacts your wonderings about what you observed. Select one of the crosscutting concepts that engages you with the observation and use it to refine your question.

Step 4: Identify 2-3 Disciplinary Core Ideas Needed to Arrive at an Answer.

Sometimes, the answer leads to more questions or more noticings and wonderings. Sometimes there are more than 2-3 disciplinary core ideas needed (but for now keep it to the 2-3 MOST needed to arrive an answer). If your process leads to more questions, make a new bundle! It can use the same phenomena, but now focus on the new question raised and 2-3 disciplinary core ideas needed to arrive at an answer.

Step 5: Share Your Bundle With Us.

The goal is to continue to grow the Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena site with various local science phenomena. Please complete the google form in its entirety to submit a Kentucky phenomenon for consideration.

If you have any questions regarding how to submit a bundle or the contents on the Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena site please email